Wait...there were other people?

Why are you arguing whether I read something or not, I just asked for information so I could learn more - you chose to get all defensive, which says a lot. You also seem to misunderstand the context of the entire situation which I find interesting because you're the one calling me out - seems I might actually know more about the case than you from reading only two summations. He himself admitted to having sex with her - the context of the interaction and the specifics around whether it was forced or not is where it becomes a rape case. The fact that you don't seem to understand this makes me wonder if you know about the situation at all.

Even if it is true, whether she had sex with other people and whether that DNA was on her underwear doesn't change the facts that both parties admit to so I am not sure what you are getting at there. It's not against the law to sleep around in America, is it? Maybe you can help me understand where I am getting the wires crossed.

/r/ImGoingToHellForThis Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it