Wait until there's an Internet connection

This is a bit above my head. Below, is my current profile and respective task to start my Hotspot. Could you please show me the least amount of lines necessary to replace A1 below; keeping everything else exactly the same? I'd really feel bad for asking. Thank you so much.

Profile: Car Mobile Hotspot - START (13)

State: BT Connected [ Name:HandsFreeLink Address:* ]

Enter: Enable Mobile Hotspot (14)

A1: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:0 Minutes:1 Hours:0 Days:0 ]

A2: If [ %TETHER !~ wifi ]

A3: AutoInput Unlock Screen [ Configuration:Unlocking Screen.

A4: Quick Settings

A5: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Text, value: Mobile., nearby Text: Hotspot, Action : Click Timeout (Seconds):20 ]

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