Wait ... yeah I still don't get it.

Just want to say that the entire country is not Tokyo and much of the country is very sparsely populated.

I mean, if you want to either lie or spew bullshit, then sure. Yeah, you can say things that are the exact opposite of reality.

Every square inch of Japan is designated into municipality with a designation of either "village", "town", "city", or "special city" (i.e. Wards of Tokyo), loosely based upon population and population density of that area.

Of the entire ~125M population of Japan, 0.6%, only 750k, live in "villages": https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/日本の村の人口順位

Just under 10M, ~8% of the population live in "towns": https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/日本の町の人口順位

That lives 91% of the population living in designated "cities" or the Special Cities of Tokyo.

Hell, 45% of the population lives in the Tokyo and Osaka Greater Metropolitan Areas, alone.

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