I would argue that it doesn’t mean nothing. Your very silly username doesn’t mean anything (well I assume it doesn’t anyway...) and I’m fine with that. I don’t like people who make light of the Holocaust and what the Nazis did. Their air force directly targeted working class neighborhoods during the blitz, specifically targeted civilians.

Germans have some serious laws about “making jokes” and referencing the Nazis because they know how terrible their history is, and that it shouldn’t be taken lightly. Did I think the entire sharks sub was going to lose their collective shit because I asked him to explain why he thought it was funny? Absolutely not. But truthfully this is the hill I would die on. I thought that shit was funny when I was 15 because I was “so edgy”. Since then I’ve visited concentration camps. I’ve met concentration camp survivors who lost their entire families and their homeland. Just because we are a few generations removed doesn’t mean that people who hold nazi beliefs went away, and I don’t think that normalizing it is a step in the right direction for our society.

It’s inappropriate wherever it is, whether that’s Reddit or elsewhere, and yeah I’ll call it out when I see it. I can see why people think I’m upset, text doesn’t convey tone well so it is up to the readers. I’m not mad at him, I just think he’s a jackass for making the joke he did. It isn’t that funny and it’s definitely in poor taste.

/r/SanJoseSharks Thread Parent