Wake up. See highly upvoted thread telling me how to "review" games. Roll eyes. Go back to bed.

Warning: Longass rant of doom, i simply need to get my thoughts down even if it's just randomly dropping it in the comments, AGAIN WARNING: An honest warning here, my little speech is long as hell, and i do bring up the points i (primarily) find important but it's heavily influenced with my own emotional reactions to the events of the last day or two and whilst i didn't do anything like namecalling or anything stupid like that, overall the general tone is pretty tilted towards anger, and though i don't think i did any provoking (that wouldn't have happened because of any random comment due to the simple fact that there will always be someone nitpicking what you say simply to find something to fight about) like i said i'm not in any way shape or form here in a neutral state of mind, it's very possible i did something stupid in which case i would appreciate it if someone reported it so it can be removed before it causes trouble.

Seriously, really long, sorta kinda ranty (not a word but i'm going with it), fairly angry.

Now here's where my problem with this crap lies (crap being the general hissy fit thrown regarding the review in general), he wasn't dismissive in any way of the platinum's impact in relation to warframe (which i'm going to focus on since the video was of warframe so him speaking about general f2p models for other games in any depth would've been absurd), he played warframe before when it was a wildly (i can't stress this enough, wiiiiildly) different game and he played it now with a tremendous amount of platinum, he has never really played the game in its current version without platinum (and with the amount of work he does coupled with his health, running another account just for the f2p viewpoint would be utter stupidity) and has no real knowledge about what parts of the game differ, he can only do some fairly generalized speculation about the impacts it would have (and anyone who has ever seen any real amount of TBs stuff knows how much he likes groundless speculation).

So instead of not making a video of a game he clearly loves he simply spoke about the parts that are common for everyone (which is quite honestly an enormous part of the game), and of course what analysis is of the game based on his current progress, what parts of the game he feels are well made and what could use some improvement.

Personally (and whilst i didn't play warframe at the time, as i will mention later i know several people who have warframe for a long time, and whom i watched it with, their reaction being that whilst they disagreed with a few points, in general it encapsulated the game well, especially what the games problems are) i went into the video expecting nothing but a well put together analysis of his experience with the game at the point he had progressed to and as always, that is precisely what i received, and frankly even if you (you as in the general reaction to the video not the specific people here, you all seem like perfectly nice people) find the video to be misinformative and you dislike the fact that TB got access to platinum and made a review based on his experience whilst using the platinum instead of doing it purely f2p or whatever the mindless hives reason for this pitchfork wielding jackassery is, the proper response would be to message him in some format on youtube or twitter or whatever you like, and tell him that you disagree with some (or all) of the statements he made and your argument for why you believe his statements were false, or if you don't have problem with what he actually said only his experience whilst getting to that conclusion, then why throw a hissy fit anyway?

And as a final note, no matter what people claim is the reason for the crap that's been going on, i have friends that have been playing warframe for a long time, and i myself started playing a few days ago simply because i went on to the subreddit and made an account in the actual game just to look around and as a gamer that's been playing now for just under 15 years, that was by an absolute mile the nicest community of anything, gaming related or not, i have ever encountered, i literally had several highend players answer a fairly dumbass question i asked followed by 2 of them asking if i was new and then offer to help me out getting started and learning how to play, and i had a similar experience with the subreddit, and what i've seen so far in the days i've been playing this wasn't some sort of aberration but actually the norm, honestly from my experience so far (i could be enormously wrong though, still a newcomer to the game and most definitely still a noob) the people complaining about the way he played the game didn't actually come across as warframe players, both in general behavior (though those bereft of intelligence do tend to be the loudest without holding any real arguments of substance i suppose) and in actual knowledge about the workings of the game, i frankly heard alot of wildly incorrect statements from folks who called themselves warframe "veterans" that even i as a noob knew was wrong.

Overall, my conclusion of my little (little, lol) rant now that i've gotten this out (or most) i'd say more then anything i'm confused, of why even if you disagreed with something like this you would treat a person, like TB was treated today (and of course even then i'm filtering out the standard twitter name calling garbage), of why an actual large group formed to actually harass him like he was, to a point he literally had to pull out of making a project for the warframe community (a beginner's guide for those that didn't see it, it had an incredibly happy response on the warframe subreddit, the concept post containing the idea, first draft and questions to some of the more veteran players launched its way to first place in about 3 minutes flat), but that some of these people actually then had the audacity, the sheer gall, to call themselves his fans? Absolutely not, i'm sorry to inform those people, but if you verbally attack someone you can call yourselves that persons fan all you want, it is sure as hell not true.

It is one thing to critique a person and provide a counterargument to them (frankly i'd like to believe that TB would enjoy that and find it interesting) it is something entirely else to essentially verbally assault someone. Meh whatever, i've gotten this out, whatever happens with my... dissapointed?.. Wall of text happens, if someone actually manages to chug 15 cups of coffee and power through this abomination of a thing and after THAT miracle manages to filter out the 95% of the text that is essentially a mix of me discreetly cursing at people and trying to hide the fact that i would like to write the entire thing in caps, feel free to argue against what i've said (or probably ask me to clarify some absolute nonsense sentence which there are guaranteed to be many of and then when you can actually read it, come up with an argument), though please keep from insulting TB and crap like that for no reason, there's been enough poison on the interwebs the past day or two, some non namecalling debate would be nice (and yes, i'm not being sarcastic, i'm actually okay with arguing against me, not only is discussion interesting and fun, but a battle tested argument is always much more solid then one that has simply not been opposed and introducing differing perspectives into a discussion is also very important, otherwise you end with the phenomenon i assume other gamers all enjoy as much as i do after the past couple of years, the echo chamber, yay).

For the final final (i promise, hang in there) little notation, what i find quite possibly the worst outcome of this is that these poisonous doorknobs (who behave like they do just because they think they're anonymous on the internet, lol please do learn how the modern web works, only people with actual training in the area actively focusing on staying anonymous are anonymous nowadays, even your standard semi capable IT worker could find someone pretty easily just from writing patterns and a username) deprived the warframe community the chance to have someone so utterly well known for their sheer competence and ability actually provide their early game system with what i believe would have been a significant help (if you doubt me go to the warframe subreddit and listen to the soundcloud draft TB put out, it's very impressive even if it's just a first draft), the entire subreddit came together to assist TB, thank him for what he was doing and debate in a constructive way what should be included in the guide and TB had to cancel it simply because putting out another warframe video just wasn't an option anymore. The cruelty to TB made me absolutely furious, but the end results just make me sad.

Putting a reminder here, if you (you as in the brave brave not at all probably mentally unstable hero who got this far) thought something (or everything) was overly provocative in a way that would create unnecessary flaming please report the post, i simply made this to vent and i have no problem with it getting deleted and me getting whatever the hell happens when you have a comment reported (banned? launched into a black hole? vigorously tickled? i have no idea).

/r/Cynicalbrit Thread Link - twitter.com