Walking through a spider web

One time I was taking a duke at work and saw a giant brown spider on the floor. So I sort of freaked out and I must have spooked him. It darted straight towards me so I started to stomp my feet around, still seated on the toilet mind you. I figured he vanished into nothingness as spiders do. But then I felt like there was something wet on my leg. I look down and it crawling up towards my nether regions. So then, with the dexterity of a well trained warrior monk, I back hand swiped it to the floor and it disappeared yet again. So I did the only logical thing and removed my pants completely and shook them around for several minutes. Even flipped them inside out, cursing the damn creature. Then I put my pants back on and went back to work, shaken and paranoid... My coworker was laughing his ass off. Apparently during all the commotion he came in to have a piss. I didn't notice of course

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