ღ Wallflower Wednesday ღ - What makes a request 'good' for a recorder?

Thanks for posting this, Senna, I've seen a few of this kind of 'my fucked up-ness is all your fault' PM, especially with the added sweetener of telling you they're going to go hurt someone or themselves if you don't intervene. I feel sorriest for the new female posters here who don't know this crowd exists, and will actually believe that someone has found out who they are on facebook, or knows where they live, or my favourite, I'm going to tell your husband you do this (Spoiler alert, asshole - he already knows. You really think I could record window-rattling orgasms for two years without him catching on?)

And I've also learned that no good deed goes unpunished - I would highly recommend women in particular be very careful about listening to sob stories, pleas for help from guys with medical conditions etc, they're usually just players who are stringing along several women at once. There's one guy on here who had at least two of us going with the same lines, the same story, the same overwhelming devotion - all total bullshit.

Oh and then there was the guy who lied about being a World War II war hero so he could get a free pass to my site (I give free passes to past and present military personnel). I guess he figured I couldn't subtract, or didn't know when World War II was, but he didn't have any problem posing as a ninety-something flying ace to save himself five bucks - I will forever see him as George Costanza now in my mind's eye.

So be careful girls, don't let your sympathy or empathy blind you to what's being asked of you.

Then there's the pissed-off brigade who write you numerous insulting PMs calling you a liar, or bitching because you haven't been helpful enough, and tell you you're just like every other bitch in the world who doesn't appreciate them.

I tell you, sometimes I just need to step back and do something else for a while. It's sad too because I just posted a text post about how I do this for all the good men out there.

Just curious about something, I've seen this on /r/creepyPMs etc - why are people encouraged to black out the (usually throwaway) user names of someone who has threatened to kill them? I see this everywhere, not sure why people take this step.

/r/gonewildaudio Thread