Walmart made 572.8 billion USD in revenue this year why do they still pay minimum wage?

That's funny because both parties over the last few decades have had majorities and presidency. Neither has done any of it. And a LOT of crazy shit has been done with executive orders over the last decade. But not any of that. Because it's not a party issue. They're all in the club.

You need at least a few hundred thousand to make significant gains. Capital gains tax rates are advantageous, but borrowed debt is even more, and you need assets to get debt. Debt has all sorts of tax benefits, and ways to make you money while you hold it. And investing losses can be harvested over an infinite number of future years (see the Netflix or Amazon pays no taxes claim).

These tools aren't available to us lowly plebs, and the ones that are simply aren't significant enough to make a difference unless you have hundreds of thousands or millions to move around. But most people don't know these things. Why? Because they're too busy beating the drum about the 'other guys.'

Fuck the other guys. And fuck the home team too. While people spend literal generations as wage slaves with less and less buying power than their parents, the game keeps going. We just ain't playing.

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