WandaVision To Premiere With Two Episodes

It's not a hot take. You're being corporate bombed essentially, just like any post that talks about how great it is that they're releasing episodes weekly is heavily upvoted. It's a corporate strategy to normalize an anti-consumer practice through social media.

You should be grateful they're taking away the benefits of streaming! Thank them and buy more products! It'll be just like it used to be, remember when it was so great that everyone was around the television at the same time every day to watch shows and advertised product commercials? You always had something to talk about! Make sure to stay subscribed when they raise the price again and push a sideways ad-supported service! Tune in next week, same bat-time, same bat-channel!

You get the picture, I'm sure. There aren't any good arguments for this other than it's good for the company, bad for the consumer. This particular company has the benefit of a cult-like following on top, which will repeat their normalization propaganda free of charge.

/r/television Thread Parent Link - theverge.com