"Wandersong" has sold nearly three times as many copies on Switch than it has on Steam

1) I don't really buy standalone games anymore. The last ones I bought was Prey and FF XV in the Summer sale and had already pre-ordered Yakuza 0 for €10 in a website, then my laptop died and my current build still lacks a GPU. So I haven't been able to play much with integrated graphics as I also want to experience the AAA stuff with way better performance.

For the last 5 years I've only been buying HB and Humble monthlies. I don't buy eveything, I just buy those I see are great deals and the whole bundle is cheaper than one of the games ever was. It's games that I would eventually buy. Sometimes I even divide the costs with other people.

It's not hard to reach a high number of games when you buy Humble Bundles. For $5 will get you get you as far as 8 games.

Plus, whatever I don't want, I can trade it. Just the other day I traded a key for Old Man's Journey (Incidentally, a game I discovered because it was coming to the switch.) In less than 2 years, I've aquired 36 good games by trading my dupes or games I don't care for games I really wanted to play (I know it's not a whole lot, but I'm really passive about the whole thing).

2) I do... however I wouldn't buy certain games if they weren't cheap, so they either get that lower amount of money, or they won't get it at all. The whole topic of evading regional pricing is a grey matter that depends from user to user.

For the past 6 years I've only bought a handful games above €10. I got spoiled with HB and Nuuvem (brazilian website) back when it wasn't region locked. Even as a kid I didn't mind waiting for games and would wait for the platinum editions of PS games.

Due to my almost 10 year experience with Steam, I find it hard to pay certain amount for certain type of games. Heck, I haven't paid full amount for a game since Black Ops 1 came out. So, I wouldn't have bought Hollow Knight or Into the Breach so soon if it weren't for that regional pricing (that matches what they will cost in a HB or on sale in 2 years) nor I would never rebuy a game, like Enter the Gungeon (have it on steam since launch) on the switch if it wasn't for the crazy price in Russia. Heck, Mario Kart 8 wasn't even on my radar until I saw it at €29 + golden points I had.

As long I don't risk my nintendo account, I will do it.

/r/NintendoSwitch Thread Parent Link - destructoid.com