Wannabe Aryan gets cyberbullied by a 16-year-old ISLAMIC TERRORIST on twitter, but Enlightened Western Civilization ultimately triumphs as patriots jump into action to call her a whore, advocate for genocide, and misspell "ideology"

This is a good find. Twitter is an untapped source of great drama.

Here's the tweet of Loomer's that started it all. It seems like the 16-year old girl deactivated her account.

Here's another tweet of hers regarding the same thing:

Laura Loomer@LauraLoomer

Everyone mass REPORT @HAltarakmah. He appears to be an Islamic terror sympathizer. He messaged me and said “I hope Iran nukes your country. “ His bio says he attends @penn_state.

@TwitterSupport isn’t doing a good job keeping Islamic terror sympathizers off twitter. @DHSgov

The guy who sent her those messages also deleted his account.

/r/Drama Thread Link - imgur.com