I wanted a child but the world freaks me out too much now I worry it would be selfish

From my experience working in child welfare this is the information I have…

While I think that adoption is a completely selfless and beautiful gift, these are my concerns…

In child welfare most often children that are up for adoption are not babies, and a high percentage of babies that are up for adoption through the child welfare system are there because they’ve been subjected to drugs and other abuses by the pregnant woman, and /or have some type of disability and is unwanted. These children are already starting out at a disadvantage in life because the pregnant woman failed them. Things like foetal alcohol syndrome, anxiety disorders from drugs being used while pregnant, autism, etc. There is already trauma there from birth.

Essentially I look at adoption as having to clean up someone else’s mess and take on a child that is likely to have a lot of issues and challenges in life. Which for the people that do this are total angels so selfless to want to take this on. I also very much understand that a biological child that is birthed by myself could also end up with birth defects or disability etc. it’s also possible to adopt a child that doesn’t have any of these issues for sure. But I can tell you from working in child welfare that the availability of babies that do not have any kind of disability/disorder is a wait list of hundreds long.

There is also the inevitability that that child is going to want to seek out their biological parents when they’re older.

I would say that I’m the kind of person that if I births a child with a disability and by all means I would have all the love in the world for that child and help them as best I could. I would do what I have to do. But if I knew and was guaranteed that my birthed child will have a disability then I would not do this, I would not put myself through that “on purpose”. And so there are people that are more selfless than me out there that would be willing to take on an Adopted child that they already know has challenges.

/r/antinatalism Thread