Wanted to mildly change Cornelia’s portrait after learning…

Arundel and Tomas def did better, then after that was Monica, and finally Cornelia— but I have a feeling Cleobulus didn’t really care about mimicking Cornelia since the Kingdom was just in constant chaos with basically every single lord being pissy about the current state of leadership with half of them being fine with it and the other half wanting to overthrow the government, which of course Cornelia fed into. I mean I’m still playing through my first route with AG, and idk, it feels very… redundant in a sense? It started with the ignorance of everyone wondering about the mimics— and then it went to being a game of “which lord is gonna betray us this chapter?” , which I get, the kingdom has to snuff out insurgents but probably the worst redundant part of AG was Dimitri— and I thank god he isn’t mentally unstable and feral, but it’s almost tiring listening to him trying to “take on all the responsibility”, and having the main group of the Lions be like “no dipshit we’re you’re friends and we are just as complicit in this war and invasion of the empire as you are” and it just goes back and forth for way too many chapters. Which I also can appreciate what the writers are doing since in 3 Houses, he didn’t have his friends to keep him in check, and that’s one of the differences in Hopes is their presence has a positive effect on him. But I swear if I finish chapter 12, and hear him say “it is my burden to bear as king” one more time, I’m gonna start a new file and play GW, but I love non-feral dimitri, even if he is a stubborn ass mother f-er

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