War Machine asked to take polygraph test to prove he didn't intend to to kill, Judge "promptly " refused. He is to remain in jail until trial

Yes, perspectives that are decidedly not humble. Grandiose to say the least.

I wonder...when you guys have everything on your side including the entire universe why do atheistic comments get under your skin so much? You are going to spend eternity in paradise. I am the one going to be tortured in a lake of fire and I'll sure see how right you were then, won't I? That will be my comeuppance, right guys? Right?

I am admittedly bothered by the frequent claim of "humbleness" from those who think they are (demi) gods (in America we'd call that arrogance, not humbleness)...you folks are apparently bothered by...what exactly? Judging by other times in life I've encountered this kind of aloof behavior...the things I say bother you becasue you don't want to think about them. More to support this is how the responses I got never touched on any of the content of my comments, just got the generic "ur dum im smart' replies. The thing is I know I am dumb, I am a primate. You guys are the ones that need to learn you are not divine, charmed, or even lucky for that matter. You are just earth mammals, related to the other mammals of earth, no displayed kinship of any sort with any kind of higher order beings at all.

Yeah, smart actually...not to think too much about it. Do all your thinking about how all the entire everything is all for you and your uncle works in heaven and gets games early when you're over 60 and natural brain deterioration means you lap it all up into an ignorantly blissful twilight years of 8 cylinder American sedans and caramel chews.

Really though guys, it's just death. You've already experienced an infinite amount of it before you were born and it wasn't so bad. Is going back to that such a terror that you need to engage in endless rituals and build countless monuments, buildings, temples, and universities in the most misguided and futile attempt to stay up past your bedtime in recorded history? Dude, besides I am pretty sure that the guy you got that book from with all that had an 7th grade education and simply nothing else to swindle. And I don't mean to embarrass anyone but there's been millions if not billions of people mixed up in similar schemes and not once has it ever been shown to pay out in any form at all... and I am growing very suspicious of this whole "faith" response to that.

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