War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

You have no idea what it means to be a socialist if you think socialists are happy with the concentration of wealth taking place right now.

Also, are you aware of the argument used by the conservatives in many southern states to restrict access to abortions? It is done in the name of 'safety'. That's right... the most recent attempts to shut down abortion clinics was based on 'government-lead safety protocols' with the thinly veiled goal of 'restricting individual freedom.'

So if you're going to make blanket statements, at least think them through a bit further out than your nose.

This is r/conspiracy so I'll leave it at that, but just an FYI, if you're going to make a claim, at least back it up with something that makes sense. This isn't a conspiracy theory, a critique of one, or even remotely related to one. You just posted some anti-left propaganda on labor day for no reason other than you don't understand the difference between a Goldman Sachs democrat and a socialist.

/r/conspiracy Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it