[Ward Spoilers] Question about a certain cluster trigger group

They channel it through their Tinker tech. You see a similar dynamic with the Speedrunners: Tinker tech augmenting active powers.

Snag, Love Lost, and Cradle all have the same problem Rain does, they just mitigate it slightly through bargaining. Their powers are expressed differently for each person, but it doesn't jump classifications. Each of them is a Blaster, Shaker, Tinker, Mover.

Snag saw he had a decent Mover ability, but if it came to a scrap he'd have to rely primarily on the others; a weak Shaker power, a weak Blaster power, and a weak, but versatile, Tinker power. So he did the smart thing and channeled his weaker powers into each other.

He sacrificed range for power, turning himself into a Striker. He gained an emotion punch and the ability to reach through walls like they were made of paper. Love Lost and presumably Cradle did the same.

/r/Parahumans Thread