A Warm Welcome Home.

It is not my goal to be offensive, yet I have no say in how you take the message. Your assertion that the ONLY way to make a difference is with considerable financial resources is wrong and misguided. Your exact goal and intended level of impact is unclear. From what I've understood you want to somehow help your countrymen after you've saved some vague amount of money within the next two to three decades. That, my dear, is what I'm calling wishy washy. [Example of not wishy washy](https://tarirohope.wordpress.com/about/).

Anyway I hope I don't offend you further by suggesting that trying to amass an insane amount of resources then save the world in one instant is probably not going to work. There are thousands of startups to date that have raised millions in VC funding and gone on to make not one iota of impact; versus individuals who changed the direction of entire communities by collecting trash or telling a story. But anyway, my words seem to be lost in the offending of people.

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