Warned City Council about Homeless: Now my Apt Complex Burned to the Ground tonight (Bannister & Ben White)

I don’t care, personally, but please realize you aren’t answering any argument in the comment.

You are dismissing any argument by assigning a political belief system to the commenter, myself here, and simply dismissing the political system you’ve attached to it.

Your response is, simply, “you’re a centrist. you’re dumb for being a centrist.” Then you mimic my comment by suggesting I come to terms with my “centrism”.

Do you not see you are doing it? Do you know fully and choose to because the endorphin rush of feeling victorious is the heroin-drip of your online politics?

Instead of addressing the individual, you connect the individual to a monolithic political stance. A stance with easy cheat-codes to rail against.

You’re argument against whatever political system may be sincere. But it’s not what’s replying to you.

You are fighting an enemy that is not there.

/r/Austin Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it