WARNING: I discovered this morning that the version of pywallet hosted on Source Forge is stealing wallets!

Whoa whoa whoa. Don't try to pull me into intelligent sounding BS. I have been programming a very long time. You are misunderstanding a lot of things here and I'm not gonna play the buzz word game to sound smart because I understand this stuff.

Hex encoding instead of a compiled module? WTF are you talking about? It is a single file that is just plain python script. Nothing is compiled for this project on Source Forge.

What you are saying makes no sense. Why would a compiled module even be given out with python script? And what is ironic about it?

Who do you think did this? It was not Source Forge. Forget the module nonsense. Python script was put in a zip and uploaded to Source Forge. No one on Source Forge had a hand in this.

The module again? With python script flies under the radar? This makes no sense. I'm sorry, but any programmer will see you don't understand what you are talking.

Did it that way? What way? WTF are you talking about? Who would bullshit about a new feature?

Closed source libraries are now involved? Again, this was a single file of pythong script a a text file readme in a zip. Nothing was hidden in closed source libraries. I can barely argue this. Why did you pull me into this? Again, still makes no sense.

Compiled it to byte code? So they are compiling python to byte code and somehow magic closed source libraries appear? You arent making sense.

Giving people ideas lol? What is this 7th grade? I'm not gonna throw out smart sounding computer words with you and high five and then pretend you just talked about some sneaky hacker shit. Trust me, you gave no one ideas because you have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm not gonna buddy up to people because they are nice to me while trying to show off and it is really clear to everyone that you are just BSing.

I feel embarrassed and also embarrassed for you. I do not agree with this comment. You tied together a bunch of programming and computer terms, but made zero sense then pretended like you were some leet hacker with little lol as if you know something that no one else does.

I am not with this guy people. Just wanna make that clear. /u/freechatservice, why don't you actually do some research and actually learn some programming if you are interested in it. It is really clear to anyone who has made it through java 102 that you have no idea what you are talking about. If you actually learned, you could contribute a smart comment and maybe impress some people. Don't do it this way. You know you're bullshitting. I'm not playing that. Go study up.

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