A warning to Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists (Alternative title: The Manifesto of the Calvary of Progress)

truth in quite the way Misandrist Feminism has promoted Gender Critical awareness

Hey, they finally got "gender critical" right. Maybe a few of their brain cells have started functioning.


Okay, not really. But it was a nice thought while it lasted.

You of Sectionalist thinking, obsessed with the needs of your chosen 50% of the population

Right, as opposed to being obsessed with the "needs" of less than 1% of the population. Clearly we're the ones with too narrow a focus.

supported in your hypocrisy by overgeneralizing theories (”men cannot be oppressed by women”, “misandry doesn’t exist”)

"This hypocrisy which will never be detailed, for some strange reason, but it totally exists you guys, trust me on this."

Also, no one said any of those two things you're blaming us for. What we see here is the classic inability to differentiate systemic oppression, from individual oppression. Women as a group do not oppress anyone, and society as a whole does not hate men.

You want to ban pornography outright.

OMG! Not the porn! Where else will the men get their jollies off! *swoons*

You advocate bans on polygamy

Not really? It's already banned in most places, and there are far more pressing issues.

saying it will harm women even though a polygamous relationship is not inherently male-dominated

And the abstract concept of sexism doesn't "inherently" harm women. The problem is that when you look at reality, you see that women are disproportionately harmed by both of those, and so they're both not good.

or even heterosexual to begin with.

I... What? No one gives a flying fuck how het or not polygamy "inherently" is. What the fuck even?

you have chosen to bully a target far weaker and less capable of defending itself than the oppressive patriarchal goliath you claim to be standing up against: marginalized trans-women.

"People with penises are the most oppressed. What, all those women who are murdered and/or raped every day? They're not important."

Some of us feel Gender Abolition should mean the immediate desegregation of all facilities and an end to your women-only spaces: the consequences be damned, the end justifies the means.

(Emphasis mine.)

Holy mother of god, what the fuck!? He literally admits that he doesn't give a fuck what harm it causes! The fucking shit damn fuck hell!? And anyone wonders why we're not too keen on the whole trans thing?

You’d rather we wait generations to see desegregation than raise your admittedly already high risk of being sexually assaulted.

Fuck. He admits that it would increase women's risk of rape. And he's totally fucking fine with that. I have no words.

I say raze the walls between gendered facilities, and put perpetrators of even petty sexual assaults behind bars for 40 years. If that doesn’t make you feel protected, I don’t know what will.

How about not fucking doing things that will increase the risk? How about that, you evil jackass?!

Those pessimists among us who insist men are too negatively socialized to be converted are easily disproven and their entire class-based worldview crumbles like a sand castle.

False premise and non sequitur. No one "insists" that men are incapable of being decent people. What we actually say is that men are subject to socialization that makes them more likely to be aggressive and violent. The thing about socialization is that it doesn't have to be unchanging. We can change how society treats everyone, and end that.
And since our class-based analysis doesn't magically rely on assuming all men are incurable slavering beasts, it doesn't actually fall apart when showing that men aren't inherently all slavering beasts.

Men must be a part of Feminism, and of all movements for equality.

Feminism is about ending the oppression of women. We want to get rid of oppression, not be equal to the oppressors.

The realization of our objectives DOES require male consent.

No, because our objective isn't what yours is. You do not care about violence done against women (as you fucking admitted above!), but we do. We don't need men's consent to end the oppression of women. If some want to help, great, fine, but we don't need their consent.

I challenge anyone who believes a nonviolent 50-against-50 conquest to be possible.

Women have already been conquered, you blithering idiot. The goal isn't to reverse that and conquer men, it's to end the oppression of women.

The only reason we have our Patriarchal system now is because it’s a relic we inherited from the animal kingdom.

lol, what. Animals aren't magically inclined to patriarchy. What the fuck even?

Our strategy is not to gather imperfect allies towards a common enemy (select the lesser evil). Our strategy is to target imperfect proponents of our views first, take over their movement, eliminate your opposition, and deal with the main enemy second.

Sun Tzu, you are not. Weakening yourself by fighting lesser opponents first is silly. Especially when those "opponents" are quite willing to fight the greater threat too.

You are a more urgent problem for us than the Patriarchy, because you sabotage the fight with your own ambitions of conquest.

First, we're (for the umpteen billionth time) not trying to conquer anything.
Secondly, it's you who are sabotaging the fight with your ambitions of conquest, as you have literally just admitted to having.

Did this guy even read what his fingers were typing?

You advocate violence against trans-women with impunity. This will not be tolerated.

You advocate against women with impunity (like how you specifically admitted that you don't care about putting women at a worse risk of sexual assault!), and yet you expect us to tolerate (and even celebrate) what you're doing.

Seriously, look in a fucking mirror.

If a group of feminine individuals oppressed by society’s constructs is desperately seeking a reprieve, and chooses the female role as defined by the Patriarchy, then that is a Gender problem. It is not a class problem.

Yeah, the fact that one set of traits, which the patriarchy tries to enforce on women, are deemed as lesser, is totally not a class problem. And the fact that society oppresses the poor is totally not a class problem.

Do you even know what a "class" is?

These people are not oppressing you.

We say that their views help to continue the oppression, not that every trans person is actually physically oppressing women. Learn to read.

You believe that because you are oppressed it is an excuse to open your mouth in ways no other group would dare.

Come again?

Even KKK members would be wary of posting their intention to assault black men in bathrooms on an online forum. By contrast, you openly state your plans to murder trans-women in bathrooms.


We have never done that. Ever.

Seriously, we haven't. I'm not buying that for even a femtosecond.

As you are reading this, gallant watchdogs like tygerofaera are monitoring your posts. They catalog and repost the violent threats you make, as well as your other attempts to sabotage the Trans movement.

Horrifyingly creepy wording aside, the tygerofera site is laughable. It occasionally has random whining when people don't use the "right" pronouns and such, interspersed with random other stuff. You want to see actual violent threats, check Violent Receipts. People using the "wrong" pronouns isn't "violent threats", people posing with knives and saying they want to murder us is violent threats. Do you see the difference?

[The trans movement] does more than you do to eliminate Gender (while appearing to be a force of Gender continuation, it sabotages it).

Remember earlier when this idiot was complaining that RadFems were "sabotaging" things? Apparently it's only wrong when we do it, but anything a trans does is fine.

It does it in an optimistic, everyone-friendly, liberal way

(Emphasis mine.)

No. You remember the part earlier where you literally said that you didn't mind if women were subjected to more violence? That's not "friendly".

If some Trans people promote gender norms and using surgery to conform to them, that’s an issue for another day.

Yeah, how dare we point out legitimate issues in a different order than you do.

From hereforth, we will view you as apostates.

Well, since many of us are already apostates (in the religious sense), we don't really give a fuck.

and intend to pursue it rapidly and without class action.

Nice to know you don't give a rat's ass about anyone who's oppressed by the class system. Poor folks, women, anyone who's not white. Just screw 'em eh?

We draw from all demographics: cis men, cis women, trans-men, trans-women, androgynous people and all other labelled categories.

(Emphasis mine.)

And those of us who do not accept your labels?


That's what I thought.

/r/GenderCritical Thread Link - vulvapeople.tumblr.com