'Warped and elitist': are Australia’s selective schools failing the fairness test?

LOL! I can’t believe you called me right wing. Thats fucking gold.

You dont know me very well and it seems you missed the point entirely.

Go look at any league tables which have academic attainment. China, Taiwan, Korea, HK all at the top. These are the classrooms with an average size of 50+ students in them.

They gain the best results but they hate the subjects and are disillusioned before they even get into tertiary study. In comparison to that australia values lower student to teacher ratios and diversifying classrooms in order to foster creativity, ethics, and other traits we western societies value.

You bullshit suggestions are just that, bullshit and infeasible.

Source: someone far more studied ok education than you.

/r/australia Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com