Warren Buffett on the US economy: ‘The tsunami of wealth didn’t trickle down. It surged upward’ - “Americans will benefit from far more and better 'stuff' in the future. The challenge will be to have this bounty deliver a better life to the disrupted as well as to the disrupters“

You could do without oozing sarcasm but thanks for actually explaining it to me.

Also, by zero money, I meant debt to asset ratio of zero or below. My bad for not using clearer language but still. Negative net worth. Some sources say about 20% of Americans are in this situation. So ~20% of Americans have, effectively none of the wealth. That's a goddamn lot of people who have, as I called it 'zero money'.

Not saying that the richest shouldn't have a higher percent total of the wealth. Obviously, the rich have the most money. But the top 20% wealthiest have 85% of the nation's wealth.

You say corporations aren't hoarding wealth. That was the original statement of yours I took issue with.

Take The Waltons of Walmart, for example. Net worth: $145 Billion. Now, I understand this isn't just like a bunch of wearhouses full of cash they can just spend but that is plainly more money than six people can use. Also a large number of their employees use government assistance so they are clearly not using their wealth to pay their workers a living wage. Nor are they spending anywhere near all of their liquid assets on goods, services, investments, lobbyists, cocaine, hookers, bribes etc. It's simply impossible for six people to spend that much money in a life time. So what is most of their money doing? How is that not assets being hoarded?

/r/Futurology Thread Parent Link - cnbc.com