Warren: 'Let's jump up and work with' Trump on policies where we overlap

For anyone that understands politics from an intellectual standpoint and not just nitty-gritty Capitol Hill nonsense and day-to-day stuff, what this statement and potential success portends is this:

A new political party and a Third Way in American political life.

Some think that Trump is that third way with his nationalism/populism.

What could happen, but likely will not, due to the apocalyptic nature of such an extreme and unthinkable event, is the formation of a national socialsit party.

Yes, I just went there. Not because I'm a disciple of the Reich, but because you can see where the overlap is. I don't think this will happen because the stench of WW2 never seems to go away, but there are white working and middle class voters and Democrats who are tired and resentful of the left wing/identity politics/Marxist side of the Democratic Party and there are white working class and middle class voters who are tired of Bush and neoconservative GOP-style politics. There is the potential for an American Workers Party that doesn't cater to minorities in any meaningful way but this will never happen because Democrats would never go for it and it would mean the end of the GOP as well because their leadership will never go for any form of socialism.

It would destroy both parties and leave the rich and minorities scrambling but it would be largely good for middle class and working white people.

With Warren and Bernie offering the socialist/progressive side of the ball when it comes to potential economic cooperation with Trump and his new/alt right nationalist/populist movement, you can see how theoretically this might happen.

But it won't.

/r/politics Thread Link - thehill.com