Warren supporter explains why she supports Joe Biden in the Democratic Primary. This makes many in /r/politics very unhappy.

  1. I did say "almost always lose." Bill Clinton was the one moderate who won.

You just conveniently forgot to mention him.

  1. Obama still won.

As Obama, not Beta version Bernie Sanders.

  1. At the time, the ACA WAS a progressive plan compared to what we had. Being a progressive in 2008 was different compared to now.

Not according to the socialists who keep calling it a Republican plan and Obama a sellout.

  1. He literally called himself a progressive at the time, this isn't me trying to claim his victory as out own.

He still does consider himself progressive and yet progressives call him a neoliberal moderate centrist. Seems you pick and choose when his words matter.

And he won reelection against Mitt Romney, a moderate Republican, proving that this works both ways.

Mitt won election over much more extremist Republicans, like Ron Paul, so clearly not.

  1. Moderates can certainly win smaller elections, which is why I specifically said presidential elections.

Moderates are the only ones who win smaller elections against Republicans.

  1. And then Hillary lost to Trump because he was a symbol of change to a lot of people, while Clinton was championing the status-quo.

That's not why the data says; evidence says racial resentment was the core driving factor of his support, not "change" from a man who promised to repeal the ACA, among other things.

And again, bend lost to Hillary even though he promised radical change.

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