Warren supporter explains why she supports Joe Biden in the Democratic Primary. This makes many in /r/politics very unhappy.

Maybe young lefties are born into a world where progressives are being basically discriminated in the media

Whoa, gee, thanks for explaining that. Me being a senile old codger, I would never have experienced mass media being owned by right wing interests. I had no idea what you whipper snappers had to deal with!

Corbyn was basically discriminated in the media. And then they talk anout why he failed to win and it's everything from he isn't a leader to the anti semitic bullshit. Yes there was the brexit centrist position but still.

It's perfectly possible to be aware of right wing media attacking your candidate whilst still acknowledging the political flaws of your party. Corbyn was not a good politician, he was not good at playing the game, his manifesto was a mess, he was a poor communicator, he made bad decisions... the list goes on.

Trying to learn from this mistakes doesn't make me a traitor.

Bernie bros are not doing the same thing.

Bernie bros dominate the social media landscape, attack anyone not on their team and then wonder why their candidate isn't winning with demographics outside of the 18-35 internet aware. If you'd run the general election on twitter Corbyn would have won in a landslide.

Go to any sub, hell, i'd say r/neoliberal is an even bigger circle jerk

But, but, but those guys are worse!

But yes, bernie bros are the reeeaaallll problem here.

Are they the be all and end all of the Sanders campaign? No. Are they still making mistakes just like in 2016? Yes.

Getting defensive every time an ally points out a flaw/mistake doesn't help.

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