Washington Post article - I confronted Richard Spencer at my gym. Racists dont get to lift in peace.

Wow, that was quite the response.
It's fascinating how internet communication makes people instantly imagine what the other person is like and fill in the blanks.
Like you imagined I'm a massively emotional, logically-retarded SJW.
This is another aspect of what I meant though - to you I'm not a person with an individual personality and thoughts, I'm one of the SJW clones, part of the hive who all have the same morals and values.
There's no middle ground, no possibility that someone would disagree with you on one thing and also not be a full on SJW.
Man, all I dared to do was say calling people you dislike "creatures" is dehumanizing and that it's a way to make hating them easier.
I didn't do it to shame anyone (come on, nobody on reddit cares what anyone else thinks), or to virtue signal (why? Nobody on reddit knows me IRL.). I honestly do believe this kind of thinking can potentially be detrimental especially to the person indulging in it.
It's something I'm trying to practise myself. It's not sin, it's not privilege, it's just useful to not demonize or dehumanize others.

I don't think there's anything particularly over-emotional about trying to see everyone else as individual human persons.
On the other hand, your definition of "seeing people as human = irrational emotional wrecks" is itself pretty dehumanizing. Perhaps for you true humanity means only logic and rational thinking and you seem to reserve that only for yourself.
(and please stop if you just flew into a rage and started typing how "my kind" hates logic and denies rationalism or something. I'm an atheist sceptic, I took logic courses in university, studied logical programming and I generally value reason above emotion.)

In closing - you don't know "my kind", because there isn't a mass of "my kind". I'm a person and definitely not an SJW.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread Parent Link - eb.archive.org