Washington State Tells DEA to Shove It, Will Conduct Cannabis Research in Violation of the Law

It's weird you call it reddit propaganda, when outside of reddit, there seems to be quite a bit of information about its efficacy...now granted it's anecdotal, however if you follow a case there is a good chance that person is still alive and treating their disease, without radiation/surgery/chemotherapy, at the same time there is no evidence to say it's propaganda either. I don't want to offend you but saying something doesn't work because of a lack of study isn't necessarily conclusive. Keep an open mind now that the studies can take place. There are factual cases of CBD/THC oil appearring to shrink tumors. It definitely is helping thousands w seizures of all types. People are moving to legal states to help w chronic issues. Lastly if you actually look at the success of chemo and radiation, it is only temporary, read the percentages and studies the drug companies publish on their products. Some Chemo has almost a 70% chance of causing another more aggressive cancer in 5 years or less. Saying chemo works better than nothing is real propaganda. Take some time and try it for yourself, you may have high blood pressure, you may have gout, there are many things to just try it on, then you will have experience and you can say if it helped you or not. The weird issue is people go out and get that stuff after they've tried everything and many times it's too late, also there's the ones that try it...and it gets them so high they can't take the intense introspection that comes from large amounts of THC taken orally, so they never build their tolerance. You need the quality and the quantity, to be effective according to the hundreds of YouTube videos out there of people w terminal cancer still living and using the oil. If you need some sources let me know. But this kind of anecdotal evidence is extremely dramatic to warrant some real studies.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - activistpost.com