Wasn't Trump the one who wanted a military parade?

Just me, a normal woman thinking normal things with a normal frame of reference. As a person who exists on the planet I’m aware that the Biden inauguration is today; it’s a fact I can’t escape from given the extra huge sigh of relief most of the country seems to be heaving.

I see my darling husband sitting in his chair, watching SOME KIND OF THING on the television. I, being a normal woman with the power of normal thought, apply my whole brain to trying to figure out what he might be watching.

It’s the exact time of day they were going to broadcast the Biden inauguration. Several minutes earlier, my husband said to me ‘Joyce, I’m going to watch the inauguration now’. The whole entirety of social media is abuzz with news of the inauguration that is taking place right at this very moment.

It’s normal brain time. It’s human-thinking-process-o’clock. It’s half past regular and natural married couple interaction. Here we go.

I clear my throat and say the most normal thing that anyone in the world would say in this situation.

“What’s this, an old Soviet military parade?”

/r/TheRightCantMeme Thread Link - i.redd.it