Watch "GAME OF THRONES Reactions to HODOR SCENE at Burlington Bar" on YouTube

What makes this such a powerful scene is the actor playing Willis and how he goes through the same reactions and emotions that we the viewer are going through all with a single line to repeat. Both Willis and the viewer are seeing Hodor's fate play out at the same time, quickly putting the pieces together. During which we both seem to progress through the five stages of grief in the blink of an eye.

Meera: Hold the door!
(Willis collapses)

Shock and Denial then Anger & Bargaining. You can see in the video when people gasp, hold their hands up. Some even shake their heads not wanting to believe what they are seeing. Then on to "How can this happen? Why hodor, he didn't do anything wrong". "WTF Bran, WTFFFFF Game of Thones". Some mouthing "no no" as a silent plea.

You can hear it in Willis's cries. Each one a little different.

Hold the door. * Fear, Panic, what's happening to me Hold the door. * Shouting, Why me, it's not fair. Hold the door. * Pleading, Help me Bran. Help me viewer.

We still haven't quite come to terms with what we're watching. Maybe there's a way out. Surely Hodor survives. Something magicial might still happen.

(Cue music) Hold da door. * Depression. Hold da door. Hold da door.

At this point we know we're watching Hodor's last moments. There's a long break with no dialog. Everyone watching is alone in this moment in silent contemplation. Hodor is alone watching Meera and Bran fade into the falling snow. Willis's voice shifts to a more sullen tone.

Hold da door. Hold da door. Hold da door.

Hold door. Hold door. Hol door Hodor Hodor

Acceptance from Willis. "It's going to be okay, it's been destined since the beginning. I'm going going to save Bran."


You can hear everyone in the video are at different stages when the lights come up. Some angry shouts. A lot of tears... the guy in the front by the bar says: "Shot, I need a shot.. I need a fucking shot." Some nervous laughter from others, processing and accepting a future without Hodor.

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