I watched all of Naruto. I hated it.

Well i am on the Naruto reddit so fair to expect y’all are fans of it. And yeh same, talking to a wall here. My view is taking the anime in as a whole which is the default experience of everyone, I am at no fault for not skipping parts of it. I don’t mind filler if it’s good. Like, I’ve watched alot of one piece filler. Wasn’t bad, didn’t mind it. So filler isn’t the issue really. It’s just that they weren’t capable of making good filler.

However some of the filler was better than some canon episodes. But essentially your blaming the viewer for not watching something correctly. Which works for you in this case because you are a fan afterall, but that’s not how anything else is judged.

“Oh this game is really good if you ignore all the bugs and freezes” or “oh this movie is really good if you skip minute 30 to 45” or in this current case “this anime is good if you skip a lot of it”.

This is not how anything else is reviewed or judged.

I do understand where your coming from. However I think it’s a bad anime period filler or not. You think it’s my fault for sabotaging the experience with narutos own filler. We disagree period. Naruto isn’t that amazing to start with, and they made bad filler period.

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