Watching Maul or Dooku's lightsaber fights are orgasmic

You can disagree but you're wrong. In The Phantom Menace he is more or less completely quiet and expressionless during his fight with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. That's just an objective fact. He is literally not doing anything emotional or "beast" like during the fight.

That's the whole point. He's calm and collected while Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan get increasingly frustrated, leading to Qui-Gon's death and Obi-Wan angrily wanting revenge. His cool and collected arrogance and thinking he's got it in the bag are why he gets cut in half. Because he's just sitting there calmly taunting Obi-Wan by lightly slashing his lightsaber on the edge of the hole.

He's the same way in games like Battlefront II.

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