Watching my ex pack.

Lollllllllll I made the reddit to comment on this post after I blocked this post from my page. Because guess what that’s why you wrote this post. So it can come up to my page. I started following this subreddit when we were breaking up in the past, and I posted here. Which is why you even thought to put a post here dude. I really don’t even know who your trying to fool. But keep fooling I guess Hahahaha

Also my son is none of your concern I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, no need to bring my son into your hate and anger. What do you gain from writing that? Who are you to talk shit about my son and his living conditions. What in the hell is really wrong with you? How many times have I told you that writing status about me on the internet is a new fucking low. Why do you feel the need to air out my dirty laundry so that u can fee good? Your own mother told you to grow up tonight. Before I left. Take her advice bro.

/r/relationship_advice Thread Parent