"The way I see it pedophilia is at the same place the GLBTQ and the rest of the alphabet soup was about twenty five years ago." Intellectuals of r/conservative discuss paedophilia acceptance in US media

Pretty sure many, many cultures considered adulthood or young adulthood past puberty, which is why many cultures also made rites of passage into becoming a “man”.

Pedophilia is one of those things we get wrong all the time online and rarely ever bother to discuss it, which given how often people talk about it we probably should, pedophilia affects people in which they’re attracted to individuals in pre-puberty and it can be as severe as attracted to toddles or those who haven’t showcase anything features or traits of specific gender/sex.

It’s important that we get to the detail of what it means so we can pinpoint why it is a deviancy, it’s an aberration even because to begin with it’s absolutely against nature to have those desires against someone that young.

It’s extremely worrisome that they still use the argument of pedophilia being alike homosexuality or viceversa.

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