The way people are so quick to attack “gold diggers” and not the men who openly go after these girls doesn’t sit right with me

(slightly off-topic but perhaps relevant)

The whole dynamic is very weird. I'm a (to my local environment) secretly wealthy middle-aged man of average attractiveness from middle-class background, but of late I've been hanging out with some of the overtly wealthy abroad (for business reasons). It is thus assumed by association I am also wealthy (and while I am, I don't flaunt or particularly care about money beyond being financially secure).

The sudden and constant amount of attention by (very) attractive women is frankly absurd and it makes me extremely uncomfortable. Being relentlessly chased by these women of who I doubt any are genuine is somewhat frustrating. I want to stress I absolutely do not seek them out, they seek me (actually the group) out. They try very hard to pretend to be everything you've ever wanted, but you can't ever trust they actually like you (some analogies to be found here, I'm sure). I am in a reasonably happy relationship which makes it easy for me to turn them down (which regularly leads to anger/frustration on their end, somehow, and weird comments on how strange it is that I simply refuse to cheat, from both the men and the women), but if I wasn't, I'm sure I'd be having a tough time with it. They're absolutely relentless in trying to lure you in with sex and (fake?) affection.

Contrast that with some of these other wealthy guys I know, who thrive in this whole situation. They're always fucking around with gorgeous women, they obviously don't care about (most of) them but provide the rich life these girls want to partake in, and the women don't seem to mind either. According to them everybody (but me, apparently) knows what's what. And I mean that's fine, everybody do their own thing, I try not to judge.

No doubt there are different scenes here. The women who flock to the situations I've found myself in are different (usually but not always a bit older, but at least actively seeking the situation out) than the pretty-just-out-of-school types who get "found" by some rich dude trying to buy their love. There's probably lots of different situations imaginable. But it seems to me there's always one party trying to "sell the dream" to the other. And I know from talking to the girls I've met in these situations that men trying to "buy them with gifts" is a common experience for them too (then again, if you seek out this scene isn't that what you were after in the first place? I haven't dared ask).

I'm not really sure what I'm trying to say, just sharing a weird experience. I don't think there's anything wrong with men trying to get with women they find attractive. I don't think there's anything wrong with women trying to improve their financial situation. I don't think there's anything wrong with these two groups meeting and what comes out of that as long as everybody knows what they're in for (and from what I've seen personally, this seems to mostly be the case). I do obviously think it's wrong to groom, and I do think it's wrong to pretend you love someone when you only love their money or their body; don't be deceptive. I can get on board with money/looks being a pre-selector for who you will or won't date, but I'm personally not okay with going beyond that unless there's a real spark - but to each their own.

Point being, the stereotypical personages you hear in these stories both on the male and female side, all of them are real. There are women being taken advantage of, there are men being taken advantage of, and there's a whole group of both men and women who happily (and with seemingly mutual consent) take advantage of each other. I don't think it's as black and white as generally portrayed; some women seek, some are lured, some men seek, some are lured. It would be a mistake to think all the young women are being taken advantage of, and it would be a mistake to think all the men are out to take advantage, though undoubtedly both are regularly the case.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread