You brought a motorcycle to an SUV fight. Sorry to be harsh, and I expect I will be downvoted for this. And I constantly monitor my mirrors and everything for motorcycles, because I know, our environment and traffic problems would be resolved overnight if everyone would just ride a motorcycle/scooter/trike. Plus, I've always favored small cars (Miata, Hatchbacks, etc. Even today, I drive a small, but-powerful, hatch).

But you (and I) are sharing the road with 6000-lb lumps of iron, with video playback and social-media interaction systems, driven by people who mostly only needed to stay awake to pass a driving license exam. It's on *us* to be hyper-aware, hyper-predictive, and to make our presence known, or stay out of the way.

/r/IdiotsInCars Thread Parent Link - gfycat.com