WCGW if I forget where I stashed my joint

Then he went to jail for 42 life times. Didnt you know that one joint can cause world war on 42 planets in every solar systam in every galaxy? This is why we have law against drugs in general. If you use you explode the entire neighbour universe and now our universe has to answer to the grand one why we do the things we do before we do them. I personally think 42 life times is to little. The punishment should be getting tortured to death then revived to be tortured to death 666 billion times then multiply that shit with another 666 billion times. Then have him forced to make the same mistake again after he's giving the second chance at life so we can punish him with the same punishment only multiplied that by another 666 billion times. So dont do drugs kids or your brain will create 42 billion universes inside your own and your abstract screen will split into infinity and you'll have no way of escaping that eternal hell of awareness. This is why life is worth living. Because you can go to sleep and rest and forget.

/r/Whatcouldgowrong Thread Link - v.redd.it