WCGW If I park in front of a fire hydrant.

Nope you take the hose and you fling the nice heavy steel ring on the end, or the hydrant cover, through the window if the vehicle roof is higher than your armpit, or if you’re the guy on the hydrant you’re probably carrying a wrench that will go nicely through the glass...

Why? try throwing a hose under every possible car all the way first try, every time, and not get it stuck on something or not far enough to reach, and guarantee that the hose won’t get pinched, punctured, or snagged on all the undercarriage, exhaust, suspension, bolts, brackets, they can move meters as they pressurize. Going through or over is a consistent and repeatable solution with the safest outcome. Had instructor a volunteer dept actually get good at getting a hose jammed on suspension under a minivan demonstrating why you go over or through that required lifting/jacking the van up to free it, how? By tossing the line so it hits the brakes on the opposite side and then tugging, instantly jamming the metal ring on the hose... that isn’t happening in an emergency. It’s all about a consistent outcome and a timely course of action.

/r/Whatcouldgowrong Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com