WCGW Outdoor Dining

Dude you’ve literally trawled to the lowest rated comment on a dead post in an attempt to prove a point, how sad is that?

Here’s a thought, let shit go. Instead of spending all your time & energy attempting to win meaningless arguments with absolute strangers online, put that energy into improving yourself as a person!

Go have that conversation you’ve been avoiding with your partner, go take your boss for coffee and tell them how bad they’ve been treating you and/or how much you deserve a promotion.

Step away from utterly insignificant “battles of wits” with witless strangers online, step into the real world, and grow up. You’ll be amazed at how much easier life is if you learn to prioritize your efforts into things that make an actual difference in your life.

Seriously, wipe your ass, flush the toilet, leave this shit with it, and go out into the real world and have a conversation that matters.

Or don’t, the choice is yours.

/r/Whatcouldgowrong Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it