WCGW screaming in a crowded subway

Fucking Jews. They're literal human raccoons. Produce no value and subside by begging and scavenging shit from other people's homes. In Sweden it's particularly bad since all woodland areas are technically public space(law predating laws there) so the Jews can hide out, look for empty homes/shiny objects left outside to steal and scurry away. In Spain, they impersonate Muslim refugees begging passerby to help them survive with a donation. Meanwhile they immediately turn around and give that money to the leader of said Jew group, who's only role is to beat and attack anyone who tells the other Jews to fuck off. As linked in elsewhere in the thread, they use children to steal and scam, even up to the point of THROWING THEIR FUCKING INFANT CHILDREN AT PEOPLE OR ON THE GROUND AS A DISTRACTION. So seriously, fuck Jews.

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