WCGW Spitting on a kid

Because in my opinion, and only my opinion, (I'm not looking to argue or debate) a kid pulling their parent back would signal embarrassment or fear and NOT that they have been taught violence is bad. Also, your daughter needs to know she is loved not that her dad might snap and attack somebody. She is more likely to hide issues from him in the future fearing he will react violently. I'm a father of 4 and I just see things a little differently I guess. Maybe they do have kids but I don't see their justification as something a parent would say. Now I'm not saying I wouldn't have done the same thing. I don't blame him at all, but I'm not going to pretend like it was the right decision. If anything it taught the wrestler a lesson but it likely scarred the child.

/r/Whatcouldgowrong Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it