[WDYWT] just gone through my first heartbreak, so I can’t smile. But here’s my outfit and an Internet smile :)

What I want you say - any criticism you have, with the clothing, with my stance, literally anything that isn’t something so stupid. I really hope you don’t go around and tell other girls that they don’t look feminine, or men that they don’t look masculine. It’s fashion, who tf even cares?

IMO - you do not know me, so you cannot critique based on me as a person. You do not even know my name. I’d rather you tell me how to dress than tell me if I dressed more feminine, I’d get more “likes”. I didn’t come here for upvotes. I came here to show my outfit to a sub that is literally based around outfits, get feedback on my outfit. I mentioned a heartbreak to 1. Explain why I’m not smiling 2. To make a horrible situation a little funnier.

/r/streetwear Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it