A wealth of drama in /r/NewJersey - "As for minimum wage, it's not meant to be a career to support a family. It's for people in school or teenagers looking for some cash."

As for minimum wage, it's not meant to be a career to support a family. It's for people in school or teenagers looking for some cash. It's could minimum wage for a reason.

CNA’s and even EMT’s make at or near minimum wage in some states [...] People who drive ambulances and save lives can’t even support their own family

I'm also willing to bet those states have lower cost of living and less industry competing for wage earners than NJ

You missed my point, which is you can’t say “minimum wage is for high schoolers and teenagers”

Your comment is in no way relevant to NJ though, since those professions odn't make min wage here

Dance dance, keep dodging the point to pass time

Also, "It's could (sic) minimum wage for a reason", except apparently in places where apparently it's called minimum wage for shiggles

I'm fine with letting them starve

And there it is

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