Wedding banquets banned from May 17 to June 13; those on May 16 can continue with new conditions

So who is competent? You? When you want to criticize, make sure it is constructive or at the very least you yourself are capable of. You want to use Taiwanese as example? Yeah like recently they have to shutdown too overnight several hundreds cases. Do you know how difficult for them to get their own home? Do you know how lowly paid their engineers? Or you want to say Vietnamese doing better? Malaysia? Swiss? UK? Which capable person you have in mind seriously? Or maybe Australia? Last I recalled they did ran out of toilet papers for weeks if not months. You don't like you can always migrate to Brazil. Perhaps that will be better to showcase your brilliant competencies. Say is easy. Do is hard. Back your words with actions if you truly believe you know who can do more competently. Perhaps Bill Gates is up your alley? Assuming he isn't too tie up with his recent issue. When your bank account is being bleed to spend on your own family members you will understand what it means by constraint. In ideal world where money is no issue, anything also can. In real world you eat shit if the world deals you lemon.

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