A week!

Not to be mean, but as soon as I saw your post I told myself: « This guy won’t last a week before he relapses. » Why is that ? Every time your are overconfident, you’re twice as likely to relapse. Especially in the early stages of a streak. I don’t know why, maybe your brain tries to convince you that there’s nothing to worry about only to catch you when you are vulnerable.

Also, there’s not a binge that ends up well. If you were masturbating and watching porn, you will end up returning to it. Believe me, I tried to convince me multiple times in the last two years of Nofap that I could resist the chaser effect, but ALWAYS ended up going back within 2 or 3 days, at best.

So here are my advice:

  1. If you feel like you are going to last forever on your streak and that everything is under control, be prepared. It’s really likely that you are about to have strong urges and get in front of porn without even realizing it if you’re not vigilant.

  2. That one will seem politically incorrect to say, but I’ll still give you this advice cause I strongly believe that it’s the best thing to do: If you binged and masturbated enough (not if you’ve accidentally seen an image for 5 seconds per say) to feel the dopamine surge and your hearth beating faster, I’d suggest to fish it off. Again, I know many would disagree, but let’s be realistic: your brain will keep producing dopamine for hours after your binged because it wants its release, which will be more destructible than just finishing in minutes and having your dopamine returning back to normal. Plus, you will be returning back if you don’t finish off, so you will be exposed to porn twice instead of once, and the beginning of your new streak will be delayed.

Hope it helps you in your recovery man !

/r/NoFap Thread