Week 2 Movement - Camera & Subject

I was thinking we could start by filming a conversation composed entirely of movement (and maybe some awkward sounds, for example robot noises BEEP BOOP BEEP BOOP). So think of black and white silent films, it doesn't need to be quite as slapstick as that, but the exchanges on camera would be mostly through body and facial expression. Very little to no spoken words, but funny noises would be permitted. The goal is to make it like that conversation you carry on with close friends, where you never exchange a word but speak completely through body language. I'm not sure if any of you remember, but there was a raw dialogue or improv scene from one of our classmates and the girl in it reached out and poked her friend's nose. That's basically the kind of thing I'd want to capture. And finally at the end we would add a verbal conversation about YES, SOUND. So it would feel like we're going from the silent film era to the introduction of sound in film, and it'd basically be a comment on how important sound is in conjunction with movement.

If you guys do actually like this idea then we could possibly add a second part to emphasize the sound and movement thing, where two people (veronica and beth!!) converse through song and not a whole lot of movement. Yes, I know the purpose of the assignment is camera and actor movement, but we could be moving the cameras around while the actors are being still. I think that would provide a good visual comparison of sound and movement in cinema and how they come together to form a complete picture.

So to recap, it would probably go from mostly sound with little actor movement, to a conversation about sound, then to mostly actor movement and little sound, and finally to a conversation about movement.

/r/ART420Group Thread