This Week At Bungie 6/07/2018

It's possible but I just don't see it happening. New power level thresholds have always historically been XP level gated, and yes XP level might be a trivial progression curve but power level isn't and is becoming less and less of a trivial progression, for the better. Multiple tiered power level rewards and a smarter loot system and progression in Fall, please!

Removing the vanilla PL cap, removing XP level cap and/or XP level gating and XP level entirely, effectively letting vanilla players grind slowly to the max even with just the 5 weekly milestones they'd have access to (FP, Arms, NF, Lev, ClanXP) would trivialize the additional shiny new progression experience I get with each DLC.

And yeah, I know it's probably behavioral psych trickery, but getting those 5 or 6 extra loot boxes on top of my rested bonus that launch week feels good man; the steak is juicy and delicious! I'd be ticked if I missed out because I burned through those 10+ XP levels prior to deciding to get DLC!

An experience, which yes, sorry, is a premium that players are paying for and don't want devalued. And this is coming from someone who wants them to release the base game plus Quickplay & weekly PvP mode access for free to all and grow the playerbase. Won't ever happen, but still.

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