This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through September 12)

We need a few tons of moon dust sent around to different companies and universities. Is has properties unlike any material on Earth and could be useful in novel construction processes on the moon and here.

Luckily, lunar dust is also susceptible to magnets. Tiny specks of metallic iron (Fe0) are embedded in each dust particle’s glassy shell. Taylor has designed a magnetic filter to pull dust from the air, as well as a “dust sucker” that uses magnets in place of a vacuum. He has also discovered that microwaves melt lunar soil in less time than it takes to boil a cup of tea. He envisions a vehicle that could microwave lunar surfaces into roads and landing pads as it drives, and a device to melt soil over lunar modules to provide insulation against space radiation.

Imagine skyscrapers and highways made of Moon Concrete.

/r/Futurology Thread Link -