The Weekend Advice & Questions Megathread

I have had this app for literally a week and have gotten no likes. Some people have liked me back but don’t respond. And the people who do respond cant hold a conversation. Like seriously the other day i was talking to a girl and i kept asking questions hoping maybe she will ask me some or maybe we could talk about something but she just kept giving generic/ basic answers and didn’t seem to try to have a conversation. Then she unmatched lol. I feel if your going to like someone back at least fucking talk to them instead of ghost them. Like seriously that shit pisses me off. And if you have no intention of talking just unmatch. Man can it suck to be dude on a dating app, mostly since you have a shitload of competitors. I wish Hinge would have a setting or feature that allows you to only get people who are active, haven’t been matched, or isn’t in a conversation yet because i feel that would help alot

/r/hingeapp Thread