This weekend in Canada, President Trump threatened to stop trading with the G7, declaring it a "very profitable" course of action. Is this plan economically viable?

>Well, so why would the EU decrease the tariffs on Japanese cars to zero (!) (see the article link) while keeping tariffs against US cars at 10%, as many European and American soldiers died fighting for European freedom against the axis powers?

My company has two suppliers, one's an old friend and one I don't know very well. When they're both giving me a comparable deal, I'll go with my friend every time, but if my friend wants way more money for the same product, how far is sentimentality supposed to carry me? for your specific WWII analogy, it becomes difficult to locate one's feelings of sentimental brotherhood as applicable to trade in the auto sector, when President Trump [disparages NATO while threatening 35% tariffs on European-made cars](

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