Weekend Free-for-All Discussion Thread | January 01, 2016

I just want to give a Korean American's perspective of why many of us don't agree with r/AsianMasculinity (I don't agree with you guys, but don't hate you guys either). I noticed you guys love to simply delete posts who speak opposing views, but I'm sincerely just stating (for your understanding) why many Koreans and Korea Americans think differently from other Asians and how our thoughts may be an obstacle from conforming with your opinions.

South Koreans and those who descended from them are mostly thankful for American support against communist aggression during the Korean War. We don't see it as "white men pillaging Asia" and more of American troops sacrificing themselves to defend South Korea from Chinese and North Korean communist aggression. You hardcore pro-Chinese may not like hearing this, but it's the reality of how the vast majority of South Koreans think. You guys love portraying the Korean War and WWII as just a bunch of whites raping Asia, but in reality it's more due to geopolitics than race. Of course it's not a perfectly smooth relationship between Koreans and American troops stationed in the country (such as the 2002 protests when American forces ran over two girls), but the majority of Koreans are very supportive and thankful for American forces stationed here. They protect South Korea which was bullied around from its neighbors for millennia. So you're not going to win any hearts and minds from Koreans to your cause by saying things like "kick American bases out! China will rule the world!"

Also us Korean guys have the highest sex appeal in Asia and we know it. Thus we have much less of an inferiority complex in general compared to other Asians. Growing up all my life, I never even took negative Asian stereotypes seriously and never thought girls wouldn't like me cause I'm Asian BECAUSE I NEVER HAD ANY PROBLEMS dating girls throughout my life. Korean guys are borderline cocky, and this confidence helps us. It's always the Chinese guys who complain about how they can't get girls in the West, but I rarely see or hear ANY Korean complain about this EVER except for the few Koreans on this sub. Thanks to the popularity of hallyu, we enjoy some of that SMV boost "privilege" amongst Asian men. If you ever hear about non-Asians raving about how hot Asians guys are, they usually talk about how Korean guys are hot. This just translates to more confidence for Korean guys in general. There are large subsets of girls who specifically like Korean guys a lot, so most Korean guys don't feel it when other Asians talk about how "Asians girls don't like Asian guys" or whatever.

Plus Korean-American girls for the most part tend to date Korean guys the most thanks to a strong church culture amongst Korean-Americans. There are much less Korean-American Anna Lu's due to Korean girls consistently growing up with Korean guys throughout their life, thus thinking positively of us. Yea there are a few vocal Korean Anna Lu's, but they're much rarer than non-Korean Anna Lu's from my experience. Also I don't even have to mention FOB Korean girls. They almost 99% exclusively date Korean guys.

On the topic of church, Koreans are uniquely very fervently Christian amongst Asians. Yes there are devout Christian Taiwanese and Chinese, but Korean-Americans I feel believe in Christianity the most. Due to this, many Koreans are loyal more to Christianity than any notion of "pan asianism" and would be hesitant to ally with non-Christians (especially this sub which is very anti-religion in general). Because of this religious element, Koreans mostly would be unsympathetic to any of the things said here.

Last but not least, Koreans are very proud of our culture and love to stick amongst our own. While I personally deplore this notion, many Koreans literally see ourselves as superior to other Asians (other than Japanese who we see as equals now) and see Chinese/Taiwanese/etc. culture as "inferior" (which I don't agree with but that's how many Koreans think). The vast majority of Korean girls especially FOB Korean girls don't have a positive opinion of non-Korean Asian guys such as Chinese guys due to this prevailing notion of "superiority amongst Asians" held by many Koreans. Again I don't agree with this, but I'm just stating the truth.

Due to these FIVE factors: (Koreans having positive view of American military involvement, Korean Guys having lots of confidence due to high SMV, Korean girls being loyal to Korean guys for the most part, the impact of Christianity, and a notion of "Korean superiority", what you guys talk about will fall on deaf years for the majority of Korean and Korean-Americans out there. This is info for your guys' benefit so you know what to expect when thinking about how your message would be received by Koreans.

/r/AsianMasculinity Thread